Barbie (2023) Movie Review

These past three weeks I haven't been able to go to the theatre to see Barbie. I wasn't in much anticipation of it before the reviews came out. But then overnight it became all the world was talking about, about how it was a revolutionary look at the world, a love letter to women and... Continue Reading →

Rebel by Marie Lu Book Review

I think about June Iparis and Daniel Wing all the time, as the simple June and Day of course. I read the Legend trilogy years ago. I really liked the first Legend and Prodigy turned into one of my favourite books of all time. I've only read it once but everything about it had me... Continue Reading →

Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian Book Review

I always love a good dystopia. Especially in today's times, I feel I need someone to look up to who will take on the power-mad monsters and be out for blood. This fantastical world has two different nations; Astrea and Kalovaxia, and the people there call themselves Astreans and Kalovaxians. Straightforward, right? Yes. But ten... Continue Reading →

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